Participants (611)
List of all participants.
# | Participant | Rank | Country | Period | Participation type | Paid |
1 | Mateusz Surma | 3p | PL | Full congress | Player | |
2 | Ali Jabarin | 2p | IL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
3 | Andrii Kravets | 2p | UA | First week plus weekend | Player | |
4 | Stanisław Frejlak | 1p | PL | Full congress | Player | |
5 | Ting Li | 1p | AT | Full congress | Visitor | |
6 | Jan Simara | 1p | CZ | First week plus weekend | Player | |
7 | Fredrik Blomback | 7d | SE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
8 | Benjamin Dréan-Guénaïzia | 7d | FR | Full congress | Player | |
9 | sooah kim | 7d | KR | Full congress | Player | |
10 | Valerii Krushelnytskyi | 7d | UA | First week plus weekend | Player | |
11 | Lukáš Podpěra | 7d | CZ | Full congress | Player | |
12 | sato sotaro | 7d | JP | Full congress | Player | |
13 | Yaoling Yang | 7d | GB | Full congress | Player | |
14 | Dmytro Bogatskyy | 6d | UA | First week plus weekend | Player | |
15 | Dominik Boviz | 6d | HU | Full congress | Player | |
16 | Gheorghe Cornel Burzo | 6d | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
17 | hong Jae Choi | 6d | KR | Weekend | Player | |
18 | Denis Dobranis | 6d | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
19 | Amir Fragman | 6d | IL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
20 | Ioan Elian Grigoriu | 6d | RO | Full congress | Player | |
21 | Frank Janssen | 6d | NL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
22 | Lukas Krämer | 6d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
23 | Seunghyun LEE | 6d | KR | Full congress | Visitor | |
24 | Kaku Maekawa | 6d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
25 | Vsevolod Ovsiienko | 6d | UA | First week plus weekend | Player | |
26 | Jonas Welticke | 6d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
27 | Ho Yeung Woo | 6d | GB | Full congress | Player | |
28 | pei zhao | 6d | DE | Full congress | Visitor | |
29 | Hüsrev Aksüt | 5d | TR | Full congress | Player | |
30 | Valérian Bouëtté | 5d | FR | Full congress | Player | |
31 | Gregor Butala | 5d | SI | First week plus weekend | Player | |
32 | Yizhi Chen | 5d | CN | Full congress | Visitor | |
33 | Cezary Czernecki | 5d | PL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
34 | Lucian Deaconu | 5d | RO | Full congress | Player | |
35 | Ozgur Degirmenci | 5d | TR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
36 | Jeremiah Donley | 5d | US | Full congress | Player | |
37 | Alexander Eerbeek | 5d | NL | Full congress | Player | |
38 | ANTOINE FENECH | 5d | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
39 | Yukitsuna Furuya | 5d | JP | Full congress | Player | |
40 | SEIJI GOMI | 5d | JP | First week plus weekend | Player | |
41 | CHENGZHANAG GONG | 5d | CN | Weekend | Visitor | |
42 | Koichiro Habu | 5d | PL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
43 | Xiaocheng Stephen Hu | 5d | CN | First week plus weekend | Visitor | |
44 | Robert Jasiek | 5d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
45 | ZICHEN JIA | 5d | CN | Full congress | Player | |
46 | Naoyuki Kai | 5d | JP | Full congress | Player | |
47 | Andrew Kay | 5d | GB | Full congress | Player | |
48 | Xiangru Long | 5d | CN | Full congress | Player | |
49 | Akira Maekawa | 5d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
50 | Dongyong OH | 5d | KR | Weekend plus second week | Visitor | |
51 | In Hang Sam | 5d | MO | Full congress | Player | |
52 | Javier-Aleksi Savolainen | 5d | FI | First week plus weekend | Player | |
53 | Niels Schomberg | 5d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
54 | James Sedgwick | 5d | CA | Full congress | Player | |
55 | Xin Shu | 5d | CN | Full congress | Player | |
56 | Matti Siivola | 5d | FI | First week plus weekend | Player | |
57 | David Ulbricht | 5d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
58 | Yuze Xing | 5d | CN | Full congress | Player | |
59 | Matej Zakanj | 5d | HR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
60 | Shukai_Kirby Zhang | 5d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
61 | Wanqi Zhu | 5d | US | First week plus weekend | Player | |
62 | Vit Brunner | 4d | CZ | First week plus weekend | Visitor | |
63 | Scott Cobbold | 4d | GB | Full congress | Player | |
64 | Róbert Csizmadia | 4d | HU | First week plus weekend | Player | |
65 | Zbyněk Dach | 4d | CZ | First week plus weekend | Player | |
66 | Thomas Danel | 4d | FR | Full congress | Player | |
67 | Tuğkan EREN | 4d | TR | Full congress | Player | |
68 | Olli Ervelae | 4d | FI | Full congress | Player | |
69 | Toru Imamura | 4d | FR | Full congress | Player | |
70 | Ondrej Kralik | 4d | SK | Full congress | Player | |
71 | Manja Marz | 4d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
72 | Stjepan Medak | 4d | HR | Full congress | Player | |
73 | François MIZESSYN | 4d | FR | Full congress | Player | |
74 | Mikko Nevala | 4d | FI | Full congress | Player | |
75 | MyongSoo Park | 4d | KR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
76 | Bernd Radmacher | 4d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
77 | Kevin Sanow | 4d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
78 | Bernd Schütze | 4d | DE | Weekend | Player | |
79 | Leszek Sołdan | 4d | PL | Full congress | Player | |
80 | Sorin Adrian Sora | 4d | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
81 | Martijn van Ling | 4d | NL | Full congress | Player | |
82 | wentian Zhang | 4d | CN | Full congress | Player | |
83 | Flavien Aubelle | 3d | CH | Full congress | Player | |
84 | Laura Avram | 3d | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
85 | Bende Barcza | 3d | HU | Full congress | Player | |
86 | Jitka Bartova | 3d | CZ | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
87 | Tobias Berben | 3d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
88 | Milena BOCLE | 3d | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
89 | Michael Budahn | 3d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
90 | František Čáha | 3d | CZ | Full congress | Player | |
91 | Benjamin Chetioui | 3d | FR | Full congress | Player | |
92 | George Chirila | 3d | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
93 | Karol Cieślak | 3d | PL | Full congress | Player | |
94 | Bártík Dach | 3d | CZ | First week plus weekend | Player | |
95 | Victor Damberg | 3d | SE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
96 | Darius Dobranis | 3d | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
97 | Dragan Dubakovic | 3d | RS | First week plus weekend | Player | |
98 | Jan Frączak | 3d | PL | Full congress | Player | |
99 | Baran Güney | 3d | DE | Full congress | Visitor | |
100 | Sergiu Dan Iugulescu | 3d | RO | Full congress | Player | |
101 | Thomas Jipp | 3d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
102 | Jan Komín | 3d | CZ | Full congress | Player | |
103 | Boyuan Li | 3d | FR | Full congress | Player | |
104 | Olesia Malko | 3d | UA | First week plus weekend | Player | |
105 | Grzegorz Marczak | 3d | PL | Full congress | Player | |
106 | Mirta Medak | 3d | HR | Full congress | Player | |
107 | Hiliazov Oleksandr | 3d | UA | Full congress | Player | |
108 | Ari-Pekka Perkkiö | 3d | FI | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
109 | Pål Sannes | 3d | NO | Full congress | Player | |
110 | Anton Silfver | 3d | SE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
111 | Kalle Timperi | 3d | FI | Full congress | Player | |
112 | Maksym Wałaszewski | 3d | PL | Full congress | Visitor | |
113 | Ming Au | 2d | NL | Full congress | Player | |
114 | Rodolphe Azouvy | 2d | CH | Full congress | Player | |
115 | Sebastian Berghoff | 2d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
116 | Antoni Bugaj | 2d | PL | Full congress | Player | |
117 | Ngoc Trang Cao | 2d | FR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
118 | Sunoh CHO | 2d | KR | Weekend plus second week | Visitor | |
119 | Przemysław Dyszczyk | 2d | PL | Full congress | Player | |
120 | Juho Heikkinen | 2d | FI | First week plus weekend | Player | |
121 | Tiger Hillarp | 2d | SE | Full congress | Player | |
122 | Koji INOUE | 2d | JP | Full congress | Player | |
123 | Ruiyao Jiang | 2d | CN | Full congress | Player | |
124 | Maltere Julien | 2d | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
125 | Pekka Keipi | 2d | FI | First week plus weekend | Player | |
126 | malsoon Kim | 2d | KR | Full congress | Player | |
127 | Youngsoon KIM | 2d | KR | Full congress | Player | |
128 | bongju Ko | 2d | KR | Full congress | Player | |
129 | William Korcari | 2d | IT | Full congress | Player | |
130 | Michal Kovařík | 2d | CZ | First week plus weekend | Player | |
131 | Alvina Kwok | 2d | GB | Full congress | Player | |
132 | Pekka Lajunen | 2d | FI | Full congress | Player | |
133 | Camille Lévêque | 2d | FR | First week plus weekend | Visitor | |
134 | Shizhao Li | 2d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
135 | Yaroslav Malko | 2d | UA | First week plus weekend | Player | |
136 | Michael Marz | 2d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
137 | Omer Naiboglu | 2d | TR | Full congress | Player | |
138 | Ömer Naiboğlu | 2d | TR | Full congress | Visitor | |
139 | Janne Nikula | 2d | FI | First week plus weekend | Player | |
140 | Juho Pennanen | 2d | FI | Full congress | Player | |
141 | Jean Rey | 2d | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
142 | Timo Schreiber | 2d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
143 | Solomon Smilack | 2d | US | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
144 | Haoyang Sun | 2d | CN | Full congress | Player | |
145 | Guzel Surma | 2d | RU | Full congress | Visitor | |
146 | Daniela Trinks | 2d | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
147 | Alexandra Urban-Szalontai | 2d | HU | Full congress | Player | |
148 | Lova Wahlin | 2d | SE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
149 | Erik Weigert | 2d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
150 | Minhyeok YANG | 2d | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
151 | Joonas Ylönen | 2d | FI | Full congress | Player | |
152 | Honghao Zhao | 2d | CN | Full congress | Player | |
153 | Théo Barollet | 1d | FR | Full congress | Player | |
154 | MEHMET EMİN BARSBEY | 1d | TR | Full congress | Player | |
155 | Dominique Cornuejols | 1d | FR | Full congress | Player | |
156 | Prakash Countcham | 1d | FR | Full congress | Player | |
157 | Rokuro Daimon | 1d | JP | First week plus weekend | Player | |
158 | Piotr Dyszczyk | 1d | PL | Full congress | Player | |
159 | Guifré Estall Bellmàs | 1d | ES | Full congress | Player | |
160 | Paweł Frączak | 1d | PL | Full congress | Player | |
161 | Lars Gehrke | 1d | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
162 | Roman Gerloff | 1d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
163 | Hennie Groot Lipman | 1d | NL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
164 | Tianming Gu | 1d | CN | First week plus weekend | Player | |
165 | Uwe Hadlich | 1d | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
166 | Lilly Hu | 1d | AT | Full congress | Player | |
167 | Zuzana Kralikova | 1d | SK | First week plus weekend | Player | |
168 | Maja Logar | 1d | SI | Full congress | Player | |
169 | Toby Manning | 1d | GB | First week plus weekend | Player | |
170 | Ferdinand Marz | 1d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
171 | Junhyeon PARK | 1d | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
172 | Torben Peters | 1d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
173 | Nika Petrashevska | 1d | UA | Full congress | Player | |
174 | Danyl Petrashevskyi | 1d | UA | Full congress | Player | |
175 | Fujikazu SAKAI | 1d | JP | Full congress | Player | |
176 | Jakob Schmidt | 1d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
177 | Guillermo Siles Bonilla | 1d | ES | First week plus weekend | Player | |
178 | Teo Sladetic | 1d | HR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
179 | Jörg Sonnenberger | 1d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
180 | Adelina Sora | 1d | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
181 | Davide Stellato | 1d | IT | Full congress | Player | |
182 | Marc Stoehr | 1d | SE | Full congress | Player | |
183 | Ryan Sun | 1d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
184 | Jochen Tappe | 1d | DE | Full congress | Player | |
185 | Alexander Timperi | 1d | FI | Full congress | Player | |
186 | Lorenz Trippel | 1d | CH | Full congress | Player | |
187 | Nikola Tsarigradski | 1d | BG | First week plus weekend | Player | |
188 | Karlo Vlahović | 1d | HR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
189 | heeyoung won | 1d | CN | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
190 | Makany Zalan | 1d | HU | First week plus weekend | Player | |
191 | Jin Zhao | 1d | GB | Weekend | Player | |
192 | Afa Zhou | 1d | US | First week plus weekend | Player | |
193 | frans Bergisch | 1k | NL | Full congress | Player | |
194 | Eran Bernstein | 1k | IL | Weekend | Player | |
195 | Pierre-Alain Chamot | 1k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
196 | Hülya EREN | 1k | TR | Full congress | Player | |
197 | Ai Guan | 1k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
198 | Dr. Rainer Hensel | 1k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
199 | Matthias Hoedtke | 1k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
200 | Bin Hu | 1k | AT | Full congress | Visitor | |
201 | Yunho HUR | 1k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
202 | Adrian Kiełczykowski | 1k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
203 | Michał Kołodziejczyk | 1k | PL | Weekend | Player | |
204 | Yannick Kuy | 1k | BE | Full congress | Player | |
205 | Diana Mastan | 1k | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
206 | Litao Mei | 1k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
207 | Clement Menard | 1k | FR | Full congress | Visitor | |
208 | Donald Moorer | 1k | NL | Full congress | Player | |
209 | Damian Mrozowski | 1k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
210 | Philippe NICOLAS | 1k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
211 | Juan Pedro Palacios Domingo | 1k | ES | First week plus weekend | Player | |
212 | KEUM LIM PARK | 1k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
213 | Chris Poerschke | 1k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
214 | Francis Roads | 1k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
215 | Jan Rüten-Budde | 1k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
216 | Sören Selbach | 1k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
217 | Almantas Stanžys | 1k | LT | Full congress | Player | |
218 | Rasmus Stene | 1k | NO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
219 | Marianna Szychowiak | 1k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
220 | Çağatay Tavşanoğlu | 1k | TR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
221 | Martin Thaumiller | 1k | DE | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
222 | Philippe Tranchida | 1k | BE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
223 | Onur Turkmen | 1k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
224 | Erik van den Broek | 1k | NL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
225 | Richard Wheeldon | 1k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
226 | Sascha Wiese | 1k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
227 | Benjamin Wirthmann | 1k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
228 | Sehun YANG | 1k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
229 | George Zhou | 1k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
230 | Roger Abrahamsson | 2k | SE | Full congress | Player | |
231 | Tamara Au-Havik | 2k | NL | Full congress | Player | |
232 | Robin Bergmark | 2k | SE | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
233 | Haroldo Brown | 2k | AR | Full congress | Player | |
234 | Pavel Chalmoviansky | 2k | SK | Full congress | Player | |
235 | Michael Cockburn | 2k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
236 | Gunnar Duevel | 2k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
237 | thomas dufour | 2k | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
238 | Marcin Dzieżyc | 2k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
239 | Gilles Englebert | 2k | LU | Full congress | Player | |
240 | Seunghyun EUN | 2k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
241 | Albert Fenech | 2k | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
242 | Mircea-Alexandru Guga | 2k | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
243 | Helen Harvey | 2k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
244 | Cherry Hu | 2k | AT | Full congress | Player | |
245 | Ilmari Jaaranen | 2k | FI | Full congress | Player | |
246 | Maciej Krajewski | 2k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
247 | Burkhard Landskron | 2k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
248 | Byoung-Ju Lee | 2k | IE | Full congress | Player | |
249 | Christophe Malavasi | 2k | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
250 | Antti Mänttäri | 2k | FI | Full congress | Player | |
251 | Lucie Masson | 2k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
252 | Damir Medak | 2k | HR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
253 | Daria Maria Mesesan | 2k | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
254 | Marta Mikša | 2k | HR | Weekend | Player | |
255 | Carlos Moreno-Morera | 2k | ES | First week plus weekend | Player | |
256 | Hajime Nakamura | 2k | JP | Full congress | Player | |
257 | MEEYEON PARK | 2k | KR | Full congress | Player | |
258 | Angelika Rieger | 2k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
259 | René Scheibe | 2k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
260 | Jan Schroeder | 2k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
261 | Erik Schweitzer | 2k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
262 | Bernd Sokolowsky | 2k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
263 | Pascal Strach | 2k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
264 | Wojciech Szychowiak | 2k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
265 | Svitlana Tarasenko | 2k | UA | First week plus weekend | Player | |
266 | Andreas Urban | 2k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
267 | PUJUN YANG | 2k | CN | First week plus weekend | Player | |
268 | Miles Zhang | 2k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
269 | Naomi Bensel | 3k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
270 | Rolf Bensel | 3k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
271 | Michael Boretzky | 3k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
272 | László Bővíz | 3k | HU | Full congress | Player | |
273 | Rocher Colás | 3k | ES | Full congress | Player | |
274 | Małgorzata Czaplik | 3k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
275 | Christophe Dejouhanet | 3k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
276 | Oğuz Erdoğan | 3k | TR | Full congress | Player | |
277 | ERNESTO FERNANDEZ | 3k | ES | First week plus weekend | Player | |
278 | Pedro Garcia | 3k | PL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
279 | Žiga Hajduković | 3k | SI | Full congress | Player | |
280 | Hannah Hebsacker | 3k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
281 | Frank Heinicke | 3k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
282 | Nathan Herubel | 3k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
283 | Nicolas Herubel | 3k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
284 | Pascal Hitziger | 3k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
285 | Wanghee Kim | 3k | KR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
286 | Yunseong KIM | 3k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
287 | Michal Kruk | 3k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
288 | Jarosław Kubiec | 3k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
289 | Robert Lauff | 3k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
290 | seojin Lee | 3k | KR | Full congress | Player | |
291 | Hyunseung LEE | 3k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
292 | Bastian Leissen | 3k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
293 | Shu-Hsin Lin | 3k | TW | Weekend | Player | |
294 | Marc Migge | 3k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
295 | Michael Mitcham-Harding | 3k | GB | First week plus weekend | Player | |
296 | Yvan Nollet | 3k | BE | Full congress | Player | |
297 | Sue Paterson | 3k | GB | First week plus weekend | Player | |
298 | Uwe Richter | 3k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
299 | Nicholas Roussos | 3k | CY | First week plus weekend | Player | |
300 | Satoshi Sakashita | 3k | JP | Full congress | Player | |
301 | Martin Sattelkau | 3k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
302 | Pietro Simonini | 3k | IT | Full congress | Player | |
303 | Volker Stuhr | 3k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
304 | Vanessa Thörner | 3k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
305 | Jiri Tobias | 3k | CZ | First week plus weekend | Player | |
306 | Niels van den Bogaert | 3k | NL | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
307 | Colin Williams | 3k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
308 | Jan Adamek | 4k | CZ | Full congress | Player | |
309 | Gabriel Barbeau-Hénault | 4k | CA | Full congress | Player | |
310 | Mario Espinoza | 4k | US | Full congress | Player | |
311 | Noaman Fakhir | 4k | MA | Full congress | Visitor | |
312 | Richard Fousek | 4k | CZ | Full congress | Player | |
313 | Violeta Gorbulska | 4k | UA | Full congress | Player | |
314 | Martin Harvey | 4k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
315 | Audrey Henneric | 4k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
316 | Martin Horatschek | 4k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
317 | Valle Jarenskog | 4k | SE | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
318 | Eunyoung Jeong | 4k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
319 | Natalia Klamecka | 4k | PL | Full congress | Visitor | |
320 | Didier Lesesvre | 4k | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
321 | Julius Masarovic | 4k | SK | First week plus weekend | Player | |
322 | Łukasz Miśtura | 4k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
323 | Mieke Narjes | 4k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
324 | Patrick Oberlohr | 4k | AT | Full congress | Player | |
325 | Tymofii Ovsiienko | 4k | UA | First week plus weekend | Player | |
326 | Jeyoung PARK | 4k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
327 | Florian Pein | 4k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
328 | James Peters | 4k | US | Full congress | Player | |
329 | Jonathan Reis | 4k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
330 | Wannes Rombouts | 4k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
331 | Karen Schomberg | 4k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
332 | Frank Segers | 4k | BE | Full congress | Player | |
333 | Tan Tan | 4k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
334 | Antonio Tirone | 4k | IT | Full congress | Visitor | |
335 | Longle Zhu | 4k | CN | Weekend | Player | |
336 | Sébastien Abilla | 5k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
337 | Lidia Agafitei | 5k | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
338 | Tristan Ankerstar | 5k | US | Full congress | Player | |
339 | Kerem Berdibek | 5k | TR | Full congress | Visitor | |
340 | Erik Brummelkamp | 5k | NL | Full congress | Player | |
341 | Jonathan Decembry | 5k | LU | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
342 | Lela Donner | 5k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
343 | Siwon EUN | 5k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
344 | Michał Flach | 5k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
345 | Andrea Fortino | 5k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
346 | Cedric Freudenberg | 5k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
347 | Daniele Gentili | 5k | IT | Full congress | Player | |
348 | Peter Gerbach | 5k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
349 | Daniel Guest | 5k | GB | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
350 | Heonuk JEONG | 5k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
351 | Eero Kaipiainen | 5k | FI | Full congress | Player | |
352 | Jonas Karch | 5k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
353 | Seojun LEE | 5k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
354 | Eva Leissen | 5k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
355 | Dominik Leko | 5k | AT | Full congress | Player | |
356 | Krzysztof Lelonek | 5k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
357 | Vladimir Munteanu | 5k | RO | Full congress | Player | |
358 | Jiří Musil | 5k | CZ | Full congress | Player | |
359 | Martin Osthaus | 5k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
360 | Kurt Paar | 5k | AT | Full congress | Player | |
361 | Szilárd Mihály Papp | 5k | SK | First week plus weekend | Player | |
362 | Jan Schomberg | 5k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
363 | Martin Törnqvist | 5k | SE | Full congress | Player | |
364 | Peter Werner | 5k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
365 | Seoyun YANG | 5k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
366 | Tomasz Andrzejewski | 6k | PL | Full congress | Visitor | |
367 | Stephen Bailey | 6k | GB | First week plus weekend | Player | |
368 | Davide Bertok | 6k | IT | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
369 | Judit Bővízné Detre | 6k | HU | Full congress | Player | |
370 | Robert Bugaj | 6k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
371 | Clemens Carstaedt | 6k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
372 | Michala Chalmovianska | 6k | SK | Full congress | Player | |
373 | Tomasz Dec | 6k | PL | Weekend | Player | |
374 | Vasile Dobranis | 6k | RO | First week plus weekend | Player | |
375 | Karim A. Eichinger | 6k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
376 | Aya Elkanayev | 6k | IL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
377 | Han Ellenbroek | 6k | NL | First week plus weekend | Visitor | |
378 | Hans Finkelnberg | 6k | NL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
379 | Jakub Gauza | 6k | PL | Full congress | Visitor | |
380 | Alexandra Goloubkov | 6k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
381 | David Heidel | 6k | RO | Full congress | Player | |
382 | Kyle Huang | 6k | DE | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
383 | Eduard Andrei Iugulescu | 6k | RO | Full congress | Player | |
384 | Marek Kowalski | 6k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
385 | Paweł Księżak | 6k | PL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
386 | Pavel Laesler | 6k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
387 | Sophie Lebas de Saint Martin | 6k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
388 | michal mazur | 6k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
389 | Krzysztof Naróg | 6k | PL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
390 | Vera Neubauer | 6k | AT | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
391 | Felix Ober | 6k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
392 | Krzysztof Podbioł | 6k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
393 | Samuel Rubino | 6k | AT | Full congress | Player | |
394 | Leou Sun | 6k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
395 | Mengmeng Tan | 6k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
396 | Gözde Taşkın | 6k | TR | Full congress | Player | |
397 | Aymeric Vie | 6k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
398 | Eduard Yang | 6k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
399 | Julia Bednarska | 7k | PL | Full congress | Visitor | |
400 | OK HUN CHOI | 7k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
401 | Boris Djubek | 7k | SK | Full congress | Player | |
402 | Lukas Fritz | 7k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
403 | Ralf Jungbauer | 7k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
404 | Mariusz Klimczak | 7k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
405 | Jonghyun LIM | 7k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
406 | Yuheng Lu | 7k | CN | Full congress | Player | |
407 | Fassal Mahmood | 7k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
408 | SHUNJI MASUYAMA | 7k | JP | Full congress | Player | |
409 | Tomasz Nagrodzki | 7k | PL | Weekend | Player | |
410 | Sihyeon NAM | 7k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
411 | Roberto Orsenigo | 7k | IT | Full congress | Player | |
412 | Alessandro Pan | 7k | AT | Weekend | Player | |
413 | Jean-Yves Papazoglou | 7k | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
414 | Jiseong PARK | 7k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
415 | Miloš Podpěra | 7k | CZ | Weekend | Player | |
416 | Martin Pömsl | 7k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
417 | Xinyu Ren | 7k | CN | Full congress | Player | |
418 | Martin Schwarz | 7k | AT | Full congress | Player | |
419 | Timo Weber | 7k | DE | Weekend | Player | |
420 | Przemysław Włodarski | 7k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
421 | Haruo Yamaguchi | 7k | JP | First week plus weekend | Player | |
422 | Tom Zhang | 7k | ES | Full congress | Player | |
423 | Rose-Marie BOUISSET | 8k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
424 | Piotr Bozyk | 8k | PL | Weekend | Player | |
425 | Stefan Brose | 8k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
426 | Joanna Bugaj | 8k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
427 | Thilo Burkhardt | 8k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
428 | Arin Dachner | 8k | DE | Weekend | Visitor | |
429 | Gerry Gavigan | 8k | GB | First week plus weekend | Player | |
430 | Eun suk Kim | 8k | KR | Full congress | Player | |
431 | Bettina Kullik | 8k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
432 | Tetiana Larina | 8k | UA | Full congress | Player | |
433 | Sion LEE | 8k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
434 | Jörg Leissen | 8k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
435 | Finn Nørgaard | 8k | DK | First week plus weekend | Player | |
436 | Angela Postulka | 8k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
437 | Doerte Rüten-Budde | 8k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
438 | Daniel S | 8k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
439 | Daniel Stockholm | 8k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
440 | Konstantin Zaleski | 8k | IT | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
441 | Mickaël Zizard | 8k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
442 | Witold Brunka | 9k | PL | Full congress | Visitor | |
443 | Marlies Carstaedt | 9k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
444 | Quintin Connell | 9k | GB | Full congress | Player | |
445 | Isabel Hoese | 9k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
446 | Jarosław Jusiak | 9k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
447 | Guillaume Kusberg | 9k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
448 | Defne Paklacı | 9k | TR | Full congress | Visitor | |
449 | Denis Puaud | 9k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
450 | Laura Ravoi | 9k | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
451 | Len Recheis | 9k | AT | Full congress | Player | |
452 | Jil Segerman | 9k | GB | First week plus weekend | Player | |
453 | Jonna Deva van Vliet | 9k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
454 | Władysław Wojciechowski | 9k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
455 | Luka Zhang | 9k | DE | Full congress | Visitor | |
456 | Anna Cieślak | 10k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
457 | Léo Guillaume | 10k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
458 | malak hayar | 10k | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
459 | Michael Konold | 10k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
460 | young sook LEE | 10k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
461 | Océane Malavasi | 10k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
462 | Valentine Malavasi | 10k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
463 | Dariusz Polański | 10k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
464 | Jiah Ryu | 10k | KR | Weekend | Player | |
465 | Moritz Stadler | 10k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
466 | Agnieszka Surma | 10k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
467 | Magdalena Wirthmann | 10k | DE | Full congress | Visitor | |
468 | Sefa Atar | 11k | TR | Full congress | Visitor | |
469 | Lui Blumenschein | 11k | DE | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
470 | Krzysztof Goliński | 11k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
471 | Paula Klanjcic | 11k | HR | First week plus weekend | Player | |
472 | Hyedam KWON | 11k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
473 | Joan Lluis Rabassó | 11k | ES | Full congress | Player | |
474 | Daniel Prill | 11k | DE | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
475 | Przemek Wesołek | 11k | PL | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
476 | Sieun AHN | 12k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
477 | AHMET AYDIN | 12k | DZ | Full congress | Visitor | |
478 | Bora Barcza | 12k | HU | Full congress | Player | |
479 | Tarmo Donner | 12k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
480 | OUTMIZGUINE Erwann | 12k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
481 | Jana Kämper | 12k | DE | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
482 | Leopold Marz | 12k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
483 | Jasna Medak | 12k | HR | First week plus weekend | Visitor | |
484 | Mei Wang | 12k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
485 | LEE YONGWOO | 12k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
486 | Zofia Bugaj | 13k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
487 | Sabine Hegler | 13k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
488 | Simon Mellmann | 13k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
489 | Esther Morera | 13k | ES | First week plus weekend | Player | |
490 | Johanna Schlögl | 13k | DE | First week plus weekend | Player | |
491 | İlayda Arık | 14k | TR | Full congress | Visitor | |
492 | Julian Au | 14k | NL | Full congress | Player | |
493 | Eren Avşar | 14k | TR | Full congress | Visitor | |
494 | Jonas Berger | 14k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
495 | christele derrien | 14k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
496 | Junseo KIM | 14k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
497 | Yoonseul LEE | 14k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
498 | Yunzhi Long | 14k | FI | Full congress | Visitor | |
499 | Jihoo YOUN | 14k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
500 | Sumin Choi | 15k | KR | Weekend | Player | |
501 | Kim Claassen | 15k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
502 | Ivana Hajduković | 15k | SI | Full congress | Player | |
503 | Amelia Jusiak | 15k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
504 | Hubert Jusiak | 15k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
505 | Anne Leissen | 15k | DE | First week plus weekend | Visitor | |
506 | Maciej Szpura | 15k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
507 | Sijun AHN | 16k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
508 | Igor Kuceriavyj | 16k | LT | Full congress | Player | |
509 | David Turman | 16k | DE | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
510 | Michał Tyrala | 16k | PL | Full congress | Player | |
511 | Duru Vezne | 16k | TR | Full congress | Visitor | |
512 | Paul Heeney | 17k | GB | Weekend | Player | |
513 | Clara Altares Roldán | 18k | ES | First week plus weekend | Visitor | |
514 | Larissa Marz | 18k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
515 | Jakub Młokosiewicz | 18k | PL | Full congress | Visitor | |
516 | Viktoriia Shumakova | 18k | UA | Full congress | Player | |
517 | Jana Chalmovianska | 19k | SK | Full congress | Player | |
518 | Christiane Hensel | 19k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
519 | Joowon PARK | 19k | KR | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
520 | Mirela Chalmovianska | 20k | SK | Full congress | Player | |
521 | Taito Donner | 20k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
522 | Boran Li | 20k | FR | Full congress | Player | |
523 | Katrin Sattelkau | 20k | DE | Full congress | Visitor | |
524 | Myung Jin Shin | 20k | KR | Weekend | Visitor | |
525 | Laurance Löffler | 21k | DE | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
526 | Andrzej Wiszowaty | 21k | PL | Weekend | Player | |
527 | Samuel Wirthmann | 24k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
528 | Anna Grzechnik | 25k | PL | First week plus weekend | Player | |
529 | Adela Chalmovianska | 27k | SK | Full congress | Player | |
530 | Joanna Grzechnik | 28k | PL | First week plus weekend | Visitor | |
531 | Jonas Wirthmann | 29k | DE | Full congress | Player | |
532 | Duru Aksüt | 30k | TR | Full congress | Player | |
533 | Edda Kämper | 30k | DE | Weekend plus second week | Player | |
534 | Jayee Ryu | 30k | KR | Weekend | Player | |
535 | Paweł Samoraj | 30k | PL | Full congress | Visitor | |
536 | Siwei Sun | 30k | CN | Full congress | Visitor | |
537 | Gaukhar Zhussupova | 30k | KZ | Weekend | Visitor | |
538 | 영순 김 | KR | First week plus weekend | Player | ||
539 | 영순 김 | KR | Full congress | Player | ||
540 | Zoltan Barcza | HU | Full congress | Visitor | ||
541 | Oksana Branitska | UA | Full congress | Visitor | ||
542 | Denise Chan | GB | Full congress | Visitor | ||
543 | Yifei Chen | CH | Full congress | Player | ||
544 | Carmen Cristina Cobut | RO | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
545 | christophe derrien | FR | Full congress | Visitor | ||
546 | Karine Diaz | FR | Full congress | Visitor | ||
547 | Peter Dijkema | NL | Full congress | Visitor | ||
548 | Peter Dijkema | NL | Full congress | Visitor | ||
549 | Rodica Dobranis | RO | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
550 | Tutku Ekinci | TR | Full congress | Visitor | ||
551 | Masao Emi | JP | First week plus weekend | Player | ||
552 | Viktor Gorbulskyy | UA | Full congress | Visitor | ||
553 | Paul Harding | GB | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
554 | Ana Harlau | RO | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
555 | Ana Harlau | RO | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
556 | Anna Helberg | DE | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
557 | Tianhong Hu | CN | Full congress | Visitor | ||
558 | Wiktoria Jarema | PL | Full congress | Visitor | ||
559 | Svitlana Kalmutska | UA | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
560 | Gisela Kämper | DE | Weekend plus second week | Visitor | ||
561 | Bohye KIM | KR | Weekend plus second week | Visitor | ||
562 | YOUNGSOON KIM | KR | Full congress | Player | ||
563 | Tony Kwok | GB | Full congress | Visitor | ||
564 | Lou Lauga Bajon-Arnal | FR | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
565 | Susanne Leissen | DE | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
566 | Anson Chung Tin Li | HK | First week plus weekend | Player | ||
567 | Haoran Li | CN | Full congress | Visitor | ||
568 | Xue Li | FR | Full congress | Visitor | ||
569 | Pavol Lisy | SK | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
570 | Shuiruo Lu | CN | Full congress | Visitor | ||
571 | Marta Majchrzak | PL | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
572 | Heather Mankowski | US | Full congress | Visitor | ||
573 | Katarzyna Matraszek | PL | Full congress | Visitor | ||
574 | Thorben Meiners | DE | Weekend | Player | ||
575 | Yannick Meiners | DE | Weekend | Player | ||
576 | Katarzyna Molicka | PL | Full congress | Visitor | ||
577 | Violeta Munteanu | RO | Full congress | Visitor | ||
578 | Chihyung Nam | KR | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
579 | Alina M Nemes | HU | Full congress | Visitor | ||
580 | Amanda Shin Zhi Ng | MY | Full congress | Visitor | ||
581 | Yaning Niu | DE | Full congress | Visitor | ||
582 | Li Pan | DE | Full congress | Visitor | ||
583 | Szilárd Papp | SK | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
584 | Woon Young Park | IE | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
585 | elif naz pürçek | TR | Full congress | Visitor | ||
586 | Yousra Rida | MA | Full congress | Visitor | ||
587 | Nataliia Rusanovska | UA | Full congress | Visitor | ||
588 | Gizem Sarısoy Aksüt | TR | Full congress | Visitor | ||
589 | See See Gek | MY | Full congress | Visitor | ||
590 | Jakov Sičić | HR | First week plus weekend | Player | ||
591 | Sinikka Siivola | FI | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
592 | Yang Sukhee | KR | Full congress | Player | ||
593 | Ralph Swaniawski | AF | Weekend plus second week | Player | ||
594 | PAULINA SZWARC | PL | Full congress | Visitor | ||
595 | Katarzyna Szychowiak | PL | Weekend plus second week | Visitor | ||
596 | Karol Trynkler | PL | Full congress | Visitor | ||
597 | Stylianos Tsalas | IT | Full congress | Visitor | ||
598 | Liesbeth van Galen | NL | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
599 | Robbert van Sluijs | NL | First week plus weekend | Player | ||
600 | Judith van Vliet | DE | Full congress | Visitor | ||
601 | Berta Vila | ES | Full congress | Visitor | ||
602 | AIM Warren | FR | First week plus weekend | Player | ||
603 | Irek Wegiel | PL | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
604 | Annette Wörner | DE | Full congress | Visitor | ||
605 | Yi Wu-Blumenschein | DE | Weekend plus second week | Visitor | ||
606 | Hong Xu | DE | Full congress | Visitor | ||
607 | Jing Xue | FR | Full congress | Visitor | ||
608 | Sadako Yamaguchi | JP | First week plus weekend | Visitor | ||
609 | Ying Zhang | DE | Full congress | Visitor | ||
610 | Zehua ZHANG | CN | First week plus weekend | Player | ||
611 | Yiwen Zhao | CN | Weekend plus second week | Visitor |